Lawyers specialising in traffic accidents

In the vast majority of traffic accidents with injuries or fatalities, there is one or more parties responsible for the accident and one or more victims. A process is usually initiated to find out the causes and the insurance companies come into play, which always tend to reduce the compensation. In many cases the “accident” becomes an injury or manslaughter offence, in competition with a road safety offence, in which case criminal proceedings will be instituted.

When the so-called accident is a manslaughter offence, it is common to prosecute for reckless homicide. However, sometimes the facts go beyond this and what is appropriate is to bring a case before the Court of Jury for intentional homicide, which is not common in our country, but which we have already achieved in our firm in two cases involving drivers who were driving in the wrong direction.

Traffic accident lawyer in Madrid

At Bárbara Royo we take care of all the procedures, both criminal and civil, so that the direct victims (in the case of injuries) or the indirect victims and relatives (in the case of death) have their claims satisfied and receive the maximum compensation. Do not settle for what the insurance company offers you, put yourself in our hands.

In addition, at Bárbara Royo we provide our clients with a team of highly qualified experts, both in physical and psychological damage assessment.

Contact with us without compromise

If we can help you, we will. And if we can’t, we’ll tell you.