Bárbara Royo

Law firm in Madrid

Welcome to Bárbara Royo, a law firm specialising in Criminal Law. Its partners, have extensive professional experience in their fields, having stood out individually and being recognised as leaders in their areas of specialisation.

The best lawyers in Madrid

We are characterised by offering the best comprehensive legal assistance, by treating our clients with loyalty, speaking clearly and dedicating the time necessary to carry out a professional and detailed defence.

We do not promise our clients impossible results and we always inform them of what they stand to gain and what they stand to lose.

Practice AREA

Integral and customised solutions

Our clients are not files, they are PEOPLE.

Lawyes specialicing in Criminal Law

We act within the framework of each and every one of the crimes of the Penal Code (homicide/murder, injuries, gender violence, sexual assault, theft, drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, falsehood, misappropriation, crimes against traffic safety, accidents and a very long etc., until completing the innumerable criminal behaviors described in our Penal Code).

We act in all posible instances up to the European Court of Human Rights: Investigation, Oral Trial, Appeals (Appeal, Cassation, Review, Amparo) and Enforcement.

We take care of each and every one of the procedures included in our criminal laws: Summary, Summary Procedure, Speedy Trial, Jury Court Procedure, Juvenile Process, Extradition, Military Process, etc.

Lawyers specialicing in Penitentiary Law

In the penitentiary field, we provide assistance to prisoners from the moment they enter prison until they are discharged, seeking their freedom through the precise and specific legal tolos provided for in prison law. We take care of permits, third-degree probation, provisional reléase and ultimately that the rights of the inmate are respected.

Lawyers specialicing in Traffic Accidents

In the majority of traffic accidents with injuries or fatalities, there is one person responsable for the accident and one or more victims. Sometimes the accident becomes a crime of injury or homicide, in conjunction with a crime against road safety. We take care of carrying out all the formalities, both criminal and civil, so that victims (in case of injuries) or family members (in case of death) receive the maximum compensation. Do not settle for what the insurer offers you, put yourself in our hands.

Lawyers specialicing in Honour, Privacy and Image Law

We deal with both criminal proceedings arising from the alleged commission of crimes against honour, privacy and self-image, as well as civil proceedings for violation of these rights.”

Our clients say

Criminal lawyers in Madrid, best Criminal lawyer in Spain, Honour, Privacy and Image in Madrid, Penitentary Law in Madrid and Traffic Accident in Madrid.


Contact with us without compromise

If we can help you, we will. And if we can’t, we’ll tell you.